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Contact Us on 07936 714259 or email referrals@htcounselling.co.uk

What is Humanistic Therapy?

Humanistic therapy is based on a psychological perspective that emphasises the study of the whole person (know as holism). Humanistic therapists look at human behaviour not only through the eyes of the observer, but through the eyes of the client. Humanistic therapists believe that an individual’s behaviour is connected to his inner feelings and view of self. The humanistic perspective centres on the view that each person is unique and individual and has the free will to change at any time in their lives.

The humanistic perspective suggests that we are each responsible for our own happiness and well-being as humans. We have the innate capacity for self-actualization which is our unique desire to achieve our highest potential as people.

Humanistic therapy is particularly useful for anyone lacking in self-esteem and self-worth. The approach believes in the value of every individual and will aim to encourage the client to know this for themselves.