HT Counselling is unable to offer crisis and urgent support outside of working hours.
- If you feel that you or someone’s life is at risk,
- If you or someone has been seriously injured, feeling suicidal or taken an overdose,
- If you do not feel you can keep yourself or someone else safe.
CALL 999
We have further information and support detailed below you may find useful:
Helplines for mental health
- Samaritans - If you are feeling suicidal and need to talk
Whatever you’re going through, you can call us any time, from any phone for FREE:
Tel: 08457 90 90 90
Call Free: 116 123
- Papyrus - Prevention of young suicide supporting under 35s
Tel: 0800 068 4141 – HopelineUK
- Saneline - Out-of-hours helpline offering practical information, crisis care and emotional support to anybody affected by mental health problems
- NHS Direct - for more information about mental health services and where to get urgent mental help support from by the NHS
Helplines for children & adolescent support
- Childline - for under 19s to be able to talk and get support
Tel: 0800 1111
- The Mix - free information and support for under 25s in the UK
Tel: 0808 808 4994
- NSPCC - discuss or report a concern about the safety or welfare of a child
Tel: 0808 800 5000 or 0800 1111 (under 18 years)
- Kooth - Children’s online mental wellbeing community
Helplines for abuse
- CALM (Campaign Against Men Living Miserably) - preventing male suicide
Tel: 0800 585858
- National Domestic Abuse Helpline
Tel: 0808 2000 247
- National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline
Tel: 0800 999 5428
- Women's Aid - For support for women and children in domestic violence situations
Helplines for eating disorders
- Beat - Beating Eating Disorder – Supports people affected by eating disorders
Tel: 0808 801 0677 (Over 18 years)
Tel: 0808 801 0711 (under 18 years)
Helplines for victims of crime
- MOSAC - Supporting all non-abusing parents and carers whose children have been sexually abused
Tel: 0800 980 1958
- Rape Crisis - support and services for victims and survivors of sexual violence or childhood sexual abuse
Tel: 0808 802 9999
- West Mercia Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Centre
Tel: 01905 724514 (Worcestershire) or 01432 344777 (Herefordshire)
- Victim Support - Help after crime
Tel: 0808 1689 111
Helplines for addictions
- Alcoholics Anonymous - for anyone who thinks they may have a problem with alcohol
Tel: 0800 9177650 National Helpline
- Al-Anon - for family including children and friends whose lives are affected by a person with addictive behaviours
Tel: 0800 0086 811
- FRANK - provides information and advice about drugs and information on local services
Tel: 0300 123 6600 or Text 82111
- Gamblers Anonymous - for anyone who thinks they may have a problem with gambling
Tel: 0330 094 0322 National Helpline
- Narcotics Anonymous UK - for anyone who thinks they may have a problem with drugs including alcohol
Tel: 0300 999 1212 – 10am – midnight
Helplines for debt management
- Step Change - help you to manage your debt and understand money
Tel: 0800 138 1111
- The Money Advice Service – free and impartial money advice
Tel: 0800 138 7777